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1995 | The Community Speaks Up for Bunny Park

EST - 1966

1995 | The Community Speaks Up for Bunny Park

EST - 1966

Enhancing The Bunny Park's Experience

Please kindly take note: The Bunny Park’s content has been meticulously gathered from credible news sources that extensively cover the Bunny Park. We highly value and appreciate your contributions, so please inform us through the WhatsApp link if you happen to come across any inaccuracies. Our ultimate aim is to continuously enhance this website, therefore we encourage you to share any valuable additional details you may possess.

A Plea for the Jewel of the East Rand

Once a sparkling gem in Rynfield’s crown, Bunny Park’s shimmer has tarnished over time. Voices from across the community have reached a crescendo in 1995, revealing a deep concern for the welfare of its denizens and the park’s upkeep. The heartfelt outcry over the conditions within these gates speaks volumes about the bond between Bunny Park and those who cherish it.

The Fading Vibrance of Bunny Park

“Worried Citizen of New” gazes upon a landscape of shattered expectations, where neglect and vandalism overshadow the park’s legacy. Memories of Bunny Park’s halcyon days clash with the reality of decaying fruits and disheartened visitors. It stands as a stark reminder of the need for renewed care and attention to restore its former glory.

Lamentations of a Park Once Cherished

Mrs. D Hassett’s account speaks of sadness where once there was joy. Her visit brings to light scenes of malaise—the sight of famished bunnies, some faring the worst fate, compels us to look, to really see, their plight. Action must follow acknowledgment, lest the park’s sorrow grow.

A Call to Action Amidst Desolation

As Mrs. L. C. Prinsloo marks the passage of another year, the stark contrast of hungry bunnies craving birthday merriment casts a grim shadow over the celebration. In the midst of this, her disappointment rings clear. Across the fence lines, there’s hope of a clean boma, but it dwindles before the overwhelming need for intervention.

At the Nadir of Neglect

Mrs. D Gray details the urgency, captured in the throng of bunnies desperate for nourishment. She challenges the stewards of the park and the city to rise to their responsibilities, to stem the tide of deterioration, and shield the bunnies from the specter of disease.

A Charge to Extend Compassion

A Bunny Park lover, engaged and hopeful, turns to the community with a call to action—a call to nourish and protect. Conjuring images of humble bread crusts as tokens of care, they implore both citizens and council alike to engage in the noble cause of turning the park’s fortunes.

Reflecting on What Was—And What Could Be

G. Ward, with the duality of past joy and present sorrow, paints a vivid tableau of the park’s decline. It is a poignant reflection, juxtaposing cherished memories against the stark reality of neglect.

A Collective Hope for Revitalization

The litany of concerns raised in 1995 echoes through the history of Bunny Park, a clarion call for all who take solace in its bounds. These articles, penned by troubled hearts and watchful eyes, profess a universal desire: to see Bunny Park reclaimed, revitalized, and resurrected. For the sake of the bunnies and the community they’ve enchanted, let the pages of yesteryears’ discourse ignite the spirit of change and stewardship long due.

AI Bunny Park Assistants

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"Woolworths" The Sheep

Archibald the Tortoise

Eldridge "The Elder" Goat

Thumper “Thumps”

Cyclops “Cy” the Emu

Bella "Belle" the Cow

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Archibald the Tortoise

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Bella "Belle" the Cow

AI Bunny Park Assistants

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Cyclops “Cy” the Emu

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Eldridge "The Elder" Goat

Bunny Park Reflections Art & Story Contest

With a view to Dystopian 2066

Bunny Park Reflections Art & Story Contest

With a view to Dystopian 2066


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